

Letter: Living in an independent 'donut hole' is no picnic

Springfield State Journal- Register

Years ago, while living in Springfield (proper) I gave no thought to Grandview, and other 鈥渄onut holes鈥 wanting to remain independent.

Now, having lived in Grandview, for three years, I have a completely different point of view.

Now, I wish that Grandview and the other areas had been brought into the city.聽 Why?

For one thing, my formerly free library card now costs $90.00 per year, since I am a non-resident.聽

Another is that I miss the affordable utility rates of CWLP.

Living in a 鈥渄onut hole鈥 is no picnic.

I can't wait to return to Springfield (proper)!

Norman Hinderliter, Grandview